senior alerts

which home security system is best

Re sponses to the Re quest for Proposals RFP must be sub mitted according to the requirements listed in the RFP. Interested firms must obtain an offi cial RFP package via email from Mr. Clinton D. Whitting ton, AIA, TBA Studio, Email: cwhit m. This includes all correspondence re garding this RFP. ONLY THOSE FIRMS THAT HAVE OBTAINED THE OFFICIAL RFP PACKAGE FROM TBA STUDIO WILL BE CONSIDERED BY LCTCS FACILI TIES CORPORA TION. LATE OR INCOM PLETE SUBMIS SIONS MAY NOT SIONS MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED. Project Description: Bid Build Services for the LCTCS Act 360 LDCC Tallulah Campus, located in Tallulah, Louisiana. Responses shall be delivered or mailed to: LCTCS Facilities Corporation c/o CSRS, Inc. Attn: Mr. Brian Budd, Program Director 6767 Perkins Road, Suite 200 Baton Rouge, LA 70808 Ph: 225 769 0546 Fx: 225 767 0060 Monroe, LA June 21 and 28, 2018 July 5, 2018 0002988912 Planning and Zoning PUBLIC NOTICE Notice is hereby giv en that a Public Hearing will be held by the City of Monroe Board of Ad justments on Mon day, July 9, 2018, in the Council Cham b th Fi t bers on the First Floor, City Hall, Monroe, Louisiana at 5:15 p.

reviews of security systems

I have chosen the top questions of the week and invite you to send me your feedback to . Now for our e bag. Important answers to consumers concerns Question from Frances Lee: Donna, how careful should baby boomers be when seeking financial advice?Answer: Frances, extremely careful and I can't begin to stress how careful. There are many so called financial advisers circling like sharks to try and grab business from aging baby boomers and retirees. So please be careful. Please read my reference below.